39 week breech curveball

We had a plan for a cosy home birth with pool, and the support of our Doula. We had done a run through ‘hot tub in the kitchen’ night and I loved the space we created and was looking forward to it. At 39 weeks I needed a growth scan and we found out baby was breech.

From that moment I knew I had to start to let go and alter my plan. After the appointment from the info given I had to try to prepare myself for a positive C-section, however when went to try and get him turned 2 days later we met our first angel, Helen. He wasn’t budging and she shared the Optibreech trial data with us and explained he was in a good position and there was no reason we couldn’t try to deliver naturally with the support of the specially trained staff in the delivery suite. 

It was all a bit confusing as we’d been led to believe C section was the only safe option and I had begun to accept that. She however gave me the confidence to go ahead as planned (or maybe I was just high on gas and air) with the tweak of having to go into the delivery suite. To be honest that was absolutely fine by me if it meant having the opportunity to give birth naturally.

I had been preparing for weeks with Emily and hypnobirthing and so wanted to experience the surges and the connection with the baby that doing it together could bring. As it turned out I didn’t have much time to over think the breech and change my mind.

My contractions started the next day, I thought they were Braxton Hicks so didnt pay too much attention.. going for a rummage in a reclamation yard followed by a nice long walk. By the evening they were increasing a bit but still sporadic. We checked in with Emily for support and guidance, had a good meal and went to bed. There was no chance of sleep for me, I was sort of giggly and excited and still unsure whether it would be days or hours.

My mucous plug went at 10.30 and waters broke in bed (like a tidal wave) at about 11.30. What a weird sensation. It all felt a bit surreal at this point. We rang Emily who advised us to just take our time going in and stay cosy and relaxed which we did.

We got to the delivery suite at 1.

I was checked and told I was fully effaced and 1 cm dilated. I hadn’t known what to expect but this felt about right as I was having surges that felt like bad period pain at that point and very manageable. After a scan and check in with the consultant on duty we were shown to a nice big dark room with galaxy like lights projected on the ceiling. I really loved this although did stay under the protective bubble of my sunglasses in the dark room for a couple of hours more.

We were completely left to our own devices then until about 4 or half 4.

Things were really steadily intensifying all through that time.

I was using all the breathing and positioning to stay in the moment. Concentrating on the gaps between the surges which is something that Emily advised and was such important advice for me. It was at this time though that I started getting into my head a bit and having doubts. The surges were so intense in my lower abdomen and thighs and very regular and close together. I was aware that the people around me thought it was going to ages longer and I started to feel like ‘I can’t do this for much longer’! I had the two paracetemol but it didnt touch the sides. I remember thinking, oh god should I have had the C-section … but then the next surge would come and I was right back in my body and in the moment and there was nothing else, no room for doubt!

Emily arrived and was immediately a reassuring, calming and gentle presence that just helped ground and reassure me. She got us a mat as I could only do the surges on all 4’s or standing. 

I’m not exactly sure of the timing but then the midwife did come and check in, I asked for a vaginal exam or they offered and I said yes.. I cant really remember ! In planning the birth I had opted for minimal or no exams but I really needed to know for myself as I felt I couldn’t go on much longer.

Well it was nearly impossible to get on my back and legs up onto the bed.. it really triggered the already very strong surges. Eventually she said I was 6cm…I thought I’d be more but didnt even think about it as they were intense and remember Emily being on my right at that point and just reminding me those numbers can be totally arbitrary and to trust my body. She felt my legs and they were freezing at this point. 

By the time I got my feet back on the floor and took a deep breath, exhaling forcefully (as suggested by the midwife)  the first mega surge to push came. OH MY !! What a mental sensation, all consuming, totally focused and unstoppable primal energy to push!

The midwife was a bit wary at first being only 6cm but there was absolutely no stopping it and I think Emily helped her get on with it at this point.. so we were doing it! We were delivering our baby.

We got the mat underneath me, I had my husband standing in front of me, my absolute rock and anchor. He held me up and felt the surges with me as I pushed and delivered Rory standing up.

I cant really say that much in detail about that bit. I remember the intensity of the sensations and surges and had to put every fibre of my being into it… the slight relief when his bottom came through and legs fell down (at which point he peed on the midwife) then the slight urgency I felt to deliver his head as I remembered in the back of my mind the consultant saying they didn’t want it to be more then 7 minutes between delivery of bum to head. 

The whole team was incredibly supportive but I was just completely and totally in my zone (roaring as I was told after) the vocalising definitely helped focus the energy downwards for pushing.

Rory was born at 6.40am so the whole thing was pretty intense and quick. 

Never did get to the gas and air! It was amazing and traumatic at the same time and I don’t use that word lightly. Even though as births go it was incredibly positive, nothing can prepare you for the wild intensity of the physical sensations and that did take quite a long time to recover from. Dawn, Jo (midwives) and Emily were our second third and fourth angels. Oh and of course baby Rory who had his plan all along and I am glad I had the support and courage to do it his way. 


home birth and love that grows


36 week arrival and in denial